Now a blog about my Android adventure
Doing some testing... :-)
Published on May 25, 2005 By CerebroJD In Blogging

Well, I got quite the treat today!

I'm posting this from Blog Navigator, a program that I've never before had the desire to use.  Why not?  No blog.  Well, I guess I sort of had one here on JoeUser, and consequently, WinCustomize as well, but I never used them.  It just wasnt quite worth all the effort of going through and typing up the whole thing and going through categories and stuff.  I find JoeUser to be VERY confusing, and it just wasnt a fun experience.  Currently WinCustomize is having alot of speed issues as they get all the servers tweaked and coded right.

Enter Blog Navigator. *cue music*

Fire up the program, click on the blog you want to add to, hit New Article, type, click publish.  Done.  Bada-bing-bada-boom, no hassles, no waiting around for pages to load.  Its one smart cookie, and huge kudos go out to Adam Najmanowicz (thats gotta be a nice signature) for coding this incredible program!  Most of you may know him as Skinstudio, since he was the creator and is the developer of that particular program as well.  He's been clever enough with the interface design to make it seem familiar and yet different all at once.  When you first open it, it has a real Outlooky feel to it, and this carries on throughout the interface.  You'll never see Outlook doing the incredible stuff this program does, OR having nearly the customizable options.

Blog Navigator is set up so that you can use pretty much any blogging service you want to post with, has an easy config and startup for nearly everyone.  I had a brand new blog, started from scratch, up and running on my server, working via Blog Navigator, in less than 1/2 an hour. ( is what I used )  As for tieing into JoeUser and WinCustomize, it could NOT have been easier.  Add a new Blog account, tell it its a JoeUser account, enter in your name and password, and ta-da, you're done.

Well, its late, and I should call it a night.  Its been a great day playing around with this program, and I look forward to blogging in the future with supreme easieness.

(thanks to Adam for letting me test out the next version of Blog Navigator... cant wait for release!)

on May 25, 2005
I feel the same way. Wordpress might be what I use for joeknowledge and Announce Your Life and Blog Navigator will be the thing I will recommend people to use. It even can be set up to upload images too!!! It save webpages for later viewing and makes for a great research tool.

People don't understand just how powerful this program is.
on May 25, 2005
I also love Blog Navigator. Very useful program! If anyone wants to try the freeware version and write a review or just rate the product you can go here: Link

Thanks for the post Cerebro!