Major upheaval on DeviantArt!
There is much speculation as to exactly what has occurred at DeviantArt in the last day or two.
No one seems to be able to talk about it very much, but its clear that there has been a shift in who exactly runs what on DeviantArt. Jark, the co-founder of DA, appears to have been demoted and/or fired from that position. There are many indications of this, the foremost being his member symbol prefix, no longer the $ of the past. Could this be happening to such a honest and driven individual? Jark has given so much to the community of both DeviantArt and many other art communities around the internet.
Several critical policies on DeviantArt were broken in this restructure, including the near-sacred rule of never removing comments. This freedom of speach and action formed one of the core foundations of DeviantArt: The ability to speak up in all situations and have your opinions heard. Deviations were removed, comments edited, and people banned in order to keep something quiet. No rock-solid details are available, but Jark himself seems supportive of the measures taken by fans to lend their shoulders to his cause.
Updating as info and sources are found.
Onestar's DeviantArt page. Onestar proposes a one-day hiatus on the uploading of all files to DA.
Jark's DeviantArt page. Some interesting reading here, but not much detail. Check his deviations.
Deviation/article by leliathomas. Speculation and theories and many facts pertaining to the event.
Jark's other page, off of DeviantArt. Snoop around... some VERY interesting stuff there.
Bookdiva's personal crusade! She's adding everyone who supports Jark to a massive list in her DA Journal.
Important! Actual semi-official statement from higher-ups. Jark responds too! (Caution, huge image file)