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I'm up to my ankles in good stuff, up to my armpits in garbage.
Published on May 24, 2005 By CerebroJD In Welcome
Its a swamp. Its getting harder to find anything decent in this library as of late. I mean no offense to any of the recent authors of wallpapers, but I mean, we've got to have higher standards than this. The ONLY way for me to find good walls in that library is to set the filter to only show me stuff rated 7 or higher. Nothing wrong with that, since I understand that thats why the filter option is available, but doesnt that tell you something?

Why does WinCustomize even have a wallpaper section anymore? Sure its all part of customizing windows, but I think that there has to be something different done. Considering the sheer mass of wallpapers on the site, it shouldnt require any effort at all to get a second site up and running for just wallpapers. All wallpapers that were made to match skins, or are part of skin suites should stay on WinC of course, but everything else should be moved to the new site. That way if people want to find a matching wall, they can either look into a high-quality, skin-matching library of walls, or they can sift through about 6000 other images. The way I see it, the wallpaper section isnt really necessary, and shouldnt be on WinCustomize. Its a hassle to the Moderators, its a hassle to people trying to find stuff, and its an eyesore. The second site is the better option to present wallpapers to the general public.

The simple fact that there are 6000 wallpapers should tell you something. The fact that there are more walls than screenshots should tell you something.

There are too many walls, and WinC would be better off with a) a condensed wallpaper section containing skin walls or no wallpaper section.

on Sep 23, 2004
I agree, its interesting what gets thru and what doesnt, and how crappy some of the stuff is that makes it thru.
There are other wallpaper sites, and to be honest i dont like wallpapers all that much (yeah i know, i have several out on WC) they mess up things and just make it harder to find info on the desktop. As my stupid laptop doesnt seem to like Object Desktop stuff (it works but so dang slow).

Maybe if we make a site where you have to buy a subscription to the site to be able to upload and download whatever people want. The problem i see is space, how much space, and bandwidth this would take up, you would need a good server, and setup.

Oh well... good luck... Maybe what needs done id for WC to just clean house, anything under a 6 gets dumped. BTW, i thought we had people "approving" these things, and if thats the case, how do these 6 and lower wallpapers make it on the site?
on Sep 24, 2004
I think that the mods have bowed to the constant complaints of people who surf in from the wallpaper sites and expect to see the same quality here.
it's sad, Maybe they should consider weeding the walls out. I'd suggest creating a second wall link for the less desirable ones, but that would suck just as much space and time if not more , than what we have now.
I have noticed the styles of what is considered acceptable have changed dramaticly in the past 8-12 months. it's too bad because I always felt that wc had a superior library than elsewhere.
on Sep 24, 2004

I agree that something needs to be done with the Wallpaper section. And I have two ideas on how it can be fixed or made better.

Idea #1: The only way to upload a wallpaper is to attach it to another skin.  This way, the wallpaper would in most cases be complimenting a skin that is created.  The bad part of this idea is that only skin authors could upload a wallpaper.  But I guess we could also allow anyone to attach a wallpaper to a skin but it would  have to go through the skin author and admin moderation. Skin Author approves it first, and then an admin approves it.

Idea #2: On the main WinCustomize Library we get very strict with what is let through.   But most other wallpapers that don't get accepted can still be viewed on the authors skin site (aka  This way, the author still gets to show off his wallpapers but it does not clog up the  main WC Wallpaper section.

I like both of these idea but it would be very difficult to implement without clearing out most of the existing wallpapers.  I can't imagin trying to go through and re-moderate or move all those wallpapers.

on Sep 28, 2004
I disagree with T-Man on Idea #1... There are some very talented artists who strictly do wallpapers, and not skins...To 'shun' them from the mix would be a poor idea IMHO. Remember, many of the skinners who are 'in the spotlight' now started out as humble wall-artists...Take Apocalypse_67, for example, he started at WC around the same time I did...doing bryce walls...Now he's one of the most popular skinners out there...

But yes, there is a lot of 'rubbish' that makes it difficult to find anything that's actually 'good'... A higher quality bar would be warmly welcomed. (here anyway)

I remember the 'good old days' when it was a 'joy' to browse through the wallpapers and see what new gems the authors came up with... And getting something accpeted was a cause for celebration. (then again, Ive got some pretty crappy terragens in my library... )

Im all for Idea #2... Only the true 'jewels' should get shown on the main wallpaper section...
on Jun 09, 2005

Often times, different moderators have different opinions on wallpapers.  What you may not like is something someone else might like.

For example:

This one I don't like.  But others do.

And this:

I do like but others do not.

It's very hard to have a consensus on what is a good wallpaper.  We reject 4 out of 5 wallpapers we receive -- even now.  It would be nice if people who submit things can still have their submissions (at least the borderline ones) show up in their own personal galleries.

on Jun 09, 2005
I also think it's important to remember that many skinners start out as wallpaper artists. And their skills increase over time. 
on Jun 09, 2005

I can't imagin trying to go through and re-moderate or move all those wallpapers.

I'll do it.

I did it years ago when 'moderation' was first introduced....that meant going through the then 700 or so walls about 3 times....on dialup....

If this 'system' improves the wall section...I'll take the time, gladly....

on Jun 10, 2005
I'd help you!

I can definately see how its difficult to come to a group consensus on wallpapers. There are many different tastes and styles, but the same goes for skins etc. as well. Would the submissions to personal galleries be moderated?