With our special guest, Mike Crasweller (aka Zoomba), we talk quite a bit about how the community has been changing recently, and also what will be happening in the near future. Theres lots of little goodies in store for our listeners from WinCustomize! We pick out some great skins, including one incredible WindowBlind theme by an up-and-coming author! Although we had minimal technological glitches in this session, someone forgot to unplug their phone! Therefor, we got a little bit of ri...
There is much speculation as to exactly what has occurred at DeviantArt in the last day or two. No one seems to be able to talk about it very much, but its clear that there has been a shift in who exactly runs what on DeviantArt. Jark, the co-founder of DA, appears to have been demoted and/or fired from that position. There are many indications of this, the foremost being his member symbol prefix, no longer the $ of the past. Could this be happening to such a honest and driven individual...
Allrighty, its been another great year of skinning and designing, and its time for another fun group project. Actually, your part is really easy! The idea is to put together another community graffiti wall. Anyone remember that beauty from last year? https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=8&SkinID=12348 It was pretty cool putting that one together, and this year DWatson has started putting together the new one. Heres what needs done: You make your Graffiti-ish tag f...